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Tel. 089/18932976

Nursery & Kindergarten

Our nursery group has room for 12 children (0-3 years old). In the Kindergarten 25 children (3-6 years old) can be taken.

The daycare times are Monday to Friday from 0800 to1800 (8am-6pm). Parents can book between 4 and 10 hours per day. Place-sharing is also a possibility.

Do you speak English?

We offer bilingual daycare and are therefore particulary appealing to international families. We place importance on positive, healthy relations between people from all cultures, religions and backgrounds. Based on these fundamental values we offer bilingual care and education from German speakers and native English speakers.

Freedom and boundaries

Our educational stance is based on the knowledge that children need freedom to develop their personalities, but also clear limits and rules for orientation. Therefore, consistent daily routines and good manners are equally important as freedom and self-determination. The children will, within the framework of democratic education, participate in everyday decision-making. We encourage our children, according to their level of development, independence in all areas of life which helps build their self-esteem.

In case you are wondering how the name 'Kuschel & Carlos' came about:

Kuschel is the favourite stuffed animal of my son Constantin, and Carlos is my daughter Marisol's, favourite stuffed toy.

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